Modern Recasting of Jane Austen Characters

This post was born out of a discussion that I had with one of my housemates over which modern actors could/should best play various Austen characters baed upon their public personas.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Fitzwilliam Darcy

He exudes the aura of Byronic hero.

Jennifer Lawrence as Elizabeth Bennet

I think this one is obvious. She feels like the modern Elizabeth Bennet to me.

Ryan Gosling as Charles Bingley

Well, duh. He’s charming and adorable without being TOO serious.

Jessica Chastain as Jane Bennet

She’s sweet and delightful but you can see a depth to her.

Meryl Streep as Lady Catherine deBurgh 

Because Meryl can do ANYTHING

Anne Hathaway as Mary Bennet

She could make the traditionally bland Mary interesting.

Robert Downey, Jr. as Mr. Collins

Just because it would be hilarious; it would be a stretch for him, but it would be a funny stretch.

Either Lindsay Lohan or Miley Cyrus as Lydia Bennet

Do I need to explain this?

Mindy Kaling as Emma Woodhouse 

You have to root for Mindy, and you have to root for Emma.

Tom Hiddleston as George Knightley 

He’s so sweet that it’s not creepy for him to have been in love with you since you were sixteen.

Chris Hemsworth as Edmund Bertram 

He seems a bit clueless at times, but he will figure out the right thing before the end. And he is very well-intentioned.

Mia Wasikowska as Fanny Price

She’s a tremendously talented actress, and her performance as the titular character in the 2011 Jane Eyre convinces me that she could be a delightful and endearing Fanny Price.

Kat Dennings as Marianne Dashwood

She’s sweet. She’s over the top. And you can’t hate her no matter how much you want to.

David Tennant as Colonel Brandon 

He’s strong. He’s heroic. And he always wants what’s best for you. Oh, and he’ll do anything to help/save you even if he doesn’t think you’re interested in him. Also, I kind of just want to see that Dennings/Tennant action.

Emma Watson as Elinor Dashwood 

She’s practical. She’s logical. But she really does want to be loved.

Sam Clafin as Edward Ferrars

He’s young and adorably naive. But he genuinely wants what’s best for you and he will eventually leave the bad-news girl for the good girl.

Henry Cavill as Frederick Wentworth

He’s strong. He’s dependable. And he’s stunning.

Michelle Dockery as Anne Eliot

She’ll wait for you for as long as need be. She’ll be patient and faithful. And then in the end, you’ll get to see her hidden depths of emotion.

Agree? Disagree? Who would you cast? Let me know in the comments.